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Colorful November 2013 Give Away |
Have you ever posted on your blog and as you were posting you got the happy feeling that you love posting and you are going to post three times a week for the rest of your life to say in touch with your wonderful followers? Well, that happens to me each time I post. But, real life gets to be so interesting as I participate in the joys of day to day activities.
For instance, my four year old grandson just came back from the toy store with Grand Papa with this getup. He then limbed on the back of my chair and declared that he is a Ninja Turtle ready to save the world. From Grandma?
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Ninja Turtle Obsessed |
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Resist the cold with this warm wrap. |
Thanks again to all of you for leaving your wonderful comments. I read each of them with passion over and over again. Thank you for praying for me and one another. Coping with adversity is usually difficult and adversity is going to touch most of us at some point but, we just need to roll with it and try to stay sane during the ride and at the end, kiss the "ground." If you believe in God, please thank Him too.
Welcome to all new followers. It makes me smile when I see the number of friends increase and also makes me work harder and happier to bring you the best I can of what I do. Thank you for following.
In order to enter the draw for the November give away:
1. Leave a movitvational comment on this post only.
2. Be a follower of my blog.
3. Enter by the deadline.
Deadline is Saturday, November 30, 2013 at 11:59 PM Pacific Daylight Savings Time. Winner will be posted the following week.
Keeping with the Autumn color scene, this is really a beautiful dress. The silk velvet is hand dyed by the lovely ladies at Vegas Airs from Las Vegas, Nevada. They do wonders to silk fabrics that work well with miniature creations. I discovered them at a local miniature show. Some of my work can be viewed on their website.
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Some of my inspirational fabrics from VegasAirs. Please check back for the December Give Away coming soon. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Hugs, Love and Kisses,
I am not sure what type of motivational comment is required, but I will say that I am inspired and in awe of your talent and your courage. Your work seems effortless! Yet, I know creating miniature outfits as meticulous as yours takes a lot of hard work. My motivational comment is, find something you love to do that is outside of work, outside of caring for loved ones, and outside of any duty or obligation. Whether it is creating miniatures, or collecting vintage dollhouses or painting or swimming, spend at least one hour a week doing it. One small hour will make a huge difference in the rest of your week.
I love your "No quitter" spirit and your generous heart that you always offer such fantastic give a ways!! Thank you so much!!~
Love hugs and kisses to a fantastic women of faith and creativity!!
Hi Felma!
Each giveaway I'm blown away by the creativity and beauty God seeks to demonstrate through you and this month's is no exception! Your creations are so inspiring themselves that I can't wait to go see what you've created each time. Beautiful and warm. You spread happiness and sunshine and God bless you for doing so!
Since I was your last winner of a wonderful Halloween give away, I won't participate now, Felma, I guess you'll understand. I just want you to know that I admire your efforts to go on with making such lovely creations in miniature. I love that kind of silk fabric you show us in the pictures above. I wish you a wonderful week!
Blessings, Ilona
Una vez más, tu creación es preciosa, y creo que esta vez te has superado. Ese color es fuerza pura, fuego, alegría de vivir. Me encantaría participar en este sorteo y mucho más ser la ganadora, pero supongo que eso lo pensamos todos... je,je.
Feliz Acción de Gracias!!!! En España no se celebra, pero para vosotros sé que es muy importante.
ciertamente esos colores dorados, tostados, rojos...son para mí el otoño, aquí donde vivo no existen...casi sólo hay verdes...me gustaría participar en el sorteo, subo el enlace a mi blog
Dear Felma
Why is it when I see a new dress
created by you I say to myself, this one is the most beautiful. I did so again. The silk is simply exquisite.
It's going to adorn the sidebar of my blog right away.
I am glad you're having fun with your very handsome grandson the Ninja. I too have a 4 year old Ninja.
Hugs, Drora
Hello Felma, fantastic give away again! I admire all your dresses. They are so elegant and so colorful. Please count me in. I put your link to my blog. Hugs Kati
cuanto me alegro de que estes disfrutando tanto de tu nieto,a esas edades son increibles y fantasticos,
tienes razon , esas telas son maravillosas, yo tengo la gran fortuna de tener en casa el maniqui de la ultima foto y tengo que decir que presumo de mi suerte siempre que puedo.
me gustaria mucho participar en tu sorteo , lo anuncio en mi blog
Hi Felma,
My motivational comment is just: I love your works and I always wish I was the lucky winner of one of your wonderful clothes!
You're so skilfull! And generous as well :-)
Your November dress is so bright and colourfull, it makes me happy!
Thank you for your works and for your always sweet words.
Have a nice day!
This colorful dress is is a rainbow in this gray winter.
Your talent is endless.
Please, count me in your giveawa; I put the link on my blog.
Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving, Faby
Hola Felma felicidades te as vuelto a superar, me alegro que ya estés totalmente recuperada y felicidades por ese nieto tan guapo ( yo si Dios quiere tendré uno en Diciembre). Feliz día de acción de gracia. Besos
Por favor apúntame en tu sorteo
Hello Felma,
What a gorgeous dress. It really is beautifully made and the fabrics and colors are perfect for the season. However please do not count me in for the draw as it is not period appropriate for my project and I do not want such a work of art to be in a box for years until I have a project where it can work...I'm sure someone else with showcase it the way it deserves.
I am happy you are doing better and wish you all the happiness in the world.
Big hug,
Hi Felma
it's good to see you posting again, I think of you a lot and I wonder how you are doing Im glad to see that everything is going well and I love the Turtles!! Turtle POWER!
Hi Felma!
Your post of this colorful Autumn color scene made me feel very Happy! I love these colors! They kind of warm you up with the depth of their roots in the nature!
Please count me in.
I'll put the link into my blog.
uuoooOO the dreess it's fantastic!!
Hola Felma. Nuevamente estoy aquí, admiro mucho tu trabajo, me encantan los vestidos que haces y no pierdo las esperanzas de tener uno algún dia Gracias por la oportunidad que nos das. Un fuerte abrazo Ana (mucuy)
Once again a beautiful dress!! You are very good at this!
I would love to enter your giveaway!
I just like to say I feel the same way, about bloging =)
It's amazing to "meet" new people through a hobby and to show your things and get a nice respond, I go back and read nice comments when ever I feel a bit insecure about what I do (very often , that is). And I like to post more often, but there are more things to life than bloging ;)
Have a nice day!
Me alegro tanto de ver, que cada día avanzas,poco a poco, te veo contenta con tu familia, te deseo lo mejor, para muchos años!
Estas telas que utilizas para tus vertidos son espectaculares!
Me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, te anuncio en mi blog.
Besos de las Malu´s.
Los colores otoñales me sugieren paz, y calor de hogar en compañía de los seres queridos, compartiendo con ellos los buenos momentos y tomando fuerzas en los momentos malos.
Gracias por este sorteo precioso en el que me gustaría participar.
Lo publico en mi blog.
Un abrazo.
¿Qué tal Felma? Me alegra ver tu energía. El vestido que has creado es tan bonito como todos los anteriores. Los colores son muy alegres , vienen de maravilla para el otoño junto con ese mantón para mitigar el frio. Por favor cuenta conmigo, a ver si esta vez hay suerte.
Your designs are a work of art. When my friends come over I lead them to your page to show them theses miniature dresses. They cannot believe these are miniature creations. Your work is wonderful and reading your posts are motivational to me. Please count me in your giveaway.
Me alegra ver que estas disfrutando de tu familia.
La mia va a aumentar dentro de poco, esperamos mellizos y estoy muy contenta.
Me encantan esas telas y esos colores tan otoñales.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension
Que bonito, cada vez me gustan más tus creaciones. Esos colores son fantásticos y muy otoñales.
Me alegro que cada día que pasa estés mejor y más feliz. Con ese nieto tuyo no podría ser de otra forma, disfruta de tu salud y de tu familia y aunque sea ya algo tardío, Feliz día de acción de gracias. Ahhh y me apunto al sorteo, como no. Probaré de nuevo suerte. Besos y gracias
Ohhh no, repasando me fijé que la fecha límite era el 30 de noviembre, así que para este ya no puedo participar. Borra si quieres mi comentario, a la próxima espero estar más atenta. Besos
Hola guapa qué tal ? me gustaría mucho participar en el sorteo , blog no tengo ! lo siento mucho ! me apuntas?
Hello Felma,
I am the new Editor for American Miniaturist Magazine and was wondering if you have had any recent features of your beautiful miniature dresses in AM or in Dollhouse Miniature Magazine? I would love to share your work with our readers if you would be interested. It's a great way to reach many people who have a passion for miniatures. You can email me at auralea@ashdown.co.uk if you are interested.
Thanks and have a lovely day,
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