Happy New Year!

When I started this blog almost a year ago I had huge hopes such as, by this time of year I was going to have at least 5,037 followers and 3,049 comments.
My vision of having a love affair with my blog and followers because I had so much to inform you of from dollhouse miniatures, tutorials on everything including exercise, sex, death, cooking, love, marriage, babies, recipes and my vision was to make it fun and exciting to everyone to the point of jumping out of bed every morning, writing new blogs, reading my comments, responding to all. And of course, hiring my own staff to present to me new ideas for everything under the sun that may be interesting to everyone from ages one to 111 (or more) from here to eternity was the ultimate vision.
Readers were going to be sharing my blog with everyone. What a vision!
My plan for 2012 is to put on a new pair of shoes, stop clowning around and start from the beginning to see if I can make this blog more of what I envisioned. When love affairs do not meet our expections, somehow, we must try again and try to make it.

My plan for 2012 is to put on a new pair of shoes, stop clowning around and start from the beginning to see if I can make this blog more of what I envisioned. When love affairs do not meet our expections, somehow, we must try again and try to make it.
Thanks to all of you following my blog and thanks to you readers who have stuck with me from the beginning! But, do you really care that I rode a bicycle down the street today for the time in forty years? Or walked six miles yesterday? Or had one of the most beautiful Christmas Season I've ever had?