Sunday, April 15, 2012

Celebrations! Celebrating Life! Why? Why Not?

Have you ever sent yourself a birthday card?  Nor have I.    Thanks to all of you for the lovely cards and birthday wishes.  Three glorious days of celebrating zoomed by.  But, I'm still celebrating.  For instance, I've received so many lovely comments for the April give-a-way that I'm celebrating by giving away one of my Jared Collection dressed mannequin in the picture to the right.  Name will be drawn from hat at 9:00pm PST May 31, 2012.  Announced first week of June.  Start now!  Get your name in the hat for this gorgeous dress.  Just follow my blog and leave an inspirational comment for this post only for a chance to win.  If you are already following, just leave a comment!  Easy! 

I celebrate because my tutorial for the Bridal Gown was accepted by American Miniaturist magazine's June issue.  You must get your copy!  The tutorial is fun and easy to follow.  Use it to make variations for your doll or mannequins and fill an entire Bridal Shop or Dress shop.  Sneak preview almost finished:
Cannot close without saying thanks to all of you for following my blog and leaving those wonderful comments.  Guess what the June give-a-way will be?  Yes, you guessed it!  A Bridal Gown worthy of pictures in American Miniaturist Magazine. 

Love & Hugs to All


Drora's minimundo said...

Isn't life wonderful? Your giveaway is gorgeous. No wonder American Miniaturist Magazine chose to make a post about your work.
Keep on celebrating and have a wonderful time. You deserve it.
Hugs, Drora

Ana said...

Hola Felma !! Me alegra mucho que te sientas tan bien y que tengas tan buen animo, me apuntas por favor? me encantaría participar también en este sorteo tan bonito, gracias, Ana (mucuy)

Fabiola said...

Wow! You're very generous; this dress is fabulous. Please, count me in your giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
Congratulations on the publication of American Miniaturist Magazine.
Bye Faby

TINK - SONIA said...

Felma congratulations for the publication of your article, it is an honor. It would be a pleasure for me to participate in the draw for your wonderful dress, the dress is a dream and have it in my dollhouse even more. A warm greeting from Spain.

Rosamargarita said...

Felma, eres muy generosa, el vestido "flor del paraíso" es una hermosura.
Lo anuncio en mi blog
Felicitaciones por la publicación de tu tutorial
Un abrazo

amica said...

Das ist wundervoll !

Chris P's Minis and More said...

you know I LOVE your dresses...can't wait to see the tutorial in june's issue of A.M.!! How exciting!!

CA Verstraete said...

Inspiration comes from seeing such wonderful work, like yours. Love the colors in this dress!

Tarnished Rose said...

Well, first, I'm already a follower. Okay, got that out of the way LOL.

What a beautiful dress! GORGEOUS! And congrats on your bridal gown tutorial being selected for American Miniaturist! I know you must still be jumping up and down with joy.


Cote said...

Felicidades por la publicación de tu tutorial!! El vestido es precioso y me encantaría participar!! Yo también estoy de sorteo en mi blog...

luisa said...

wow, another gorgeus giveaway.... this dress is amazing! I put the link on my blog! Congratulations for the publication on American Miniaurist Magazine!!!!

Ascension said...

Enhorabuena por la publicacion de ese fantastico vestido.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension

Vall said...

Wow Felma, Can't believe I could have two chances to win a piece of your amazing work. I don't know if I can be more inspirational than my previous comment on your bridal gown giveaway. Well.. Let me say it his way: I am gratefull I found your blog because I loveeeee dresses! Lol! Thanks for the oppurtunity. I'll put this give away, same as the bridal gown, on my blog. Hugs, Vall

malu2 said...

Te felicito por tu trabajo!! tus vestidos son espectaculares y preciosos, me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, ahora te anuncio en mi blog.
Besos de las Malu´s.

Hankhara said...

Es precioso, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo, gracias

Tarta Ruga said...

Sei molto carina e generosa! Contami anche in questo giveaway, grazie!

NarinaNäpertää said...

Ooh my... How gorgeus giveaway you have!! The dress is so amazing!
I'd LOVE to take part in this - so I hope you'll count me in.

I'll put the link on my blog's sidebar.
Congratulations for the publication on American Miniaurist Magazine!! (^^)

MiniHugs, Irina

Unknown said...

The next wonderful giveaway. You are so generous. Please count me in, because I love elegant clothes as yours. Congratulation to the publication.
Hugs from Craftland

Contrastes-Rosa Mª said...

Un vestido fantástico, tiene un moviento increible, me encantará participar en tu sorteo.
Felicidades por la publicación.
Pongo el anuncio en mi blog, besos :)

Marian said...

Hello. I dont know your blog. Congratulations for the publication, your dresses are wonderful.
Please count me in your giveaway. Kiss

isabel said...

Un vestido fantástico. No conocia tu blog, haces cosas divinas.
Me gustaria participar en el sorteo


Ludmila said...

You will create such gorgeous dresses! No comment!
Count me, please, give-away.

cristina said...

fantastico regalo por favor cuenta conmigo y gracias :)

Ilona said...

Felma congratulations for the publication of your article! I am a new follower, I found your blog when I visited an other blog. I like to participate in the draw for your wonderful dress! Please, count me in.
Kind regards, Ilona

Loly Rodriguez said...

por favor anóteme en su sorteo ,sus vestidos son maravillosos.
Besos Loly

Carla said...

What more beautiful dresses!! I would like to participate in the giveway :)

Norma said...

OMG, sería una locura ser la ganadora, me gustaría participar en tu sorteo. Gracias. Te anuncio en mi blog.
Norma de México

Bonsay said...

esta muy bonito este bestido de verdad que elegante me apunto para este hermoso sorteo

Marisol said...

Hola¡¡ soy Marisol y me he topado con tu blog por casualidad...Precioso¡¡¡ no puedo decir nada mas. Me encanta¡¡.
Soy de Madrid España. Me hè hecho seguidora pues estarè muy pendiente de todas las cosas que hagas. FELICIDADES¡¡. ESTE ES MI BLOG.Por si quieres visitarme Un abrazo fuerte desde España

Begoña said...

¡qué preciosos vestidos!!, son todos muy bonitos, el verde y amarillo me ha encantado, por los colores y por el corte, eres una diseñadora brillante, no me extraña que te publiquen, te felicito.Me gustaría que me apuntaras al sorteo, seria una maravilla tener una de tus joyas en las manos.Llevo el enlace a mi blog.

sognatriceabordo said...

I'd like to partecipate! I'm a new follower from Italy. My blog is:

Melli Hobby said...

It´s a fantastic dress. The colours are wonderful. I love green.
Please count me in your giveaway.

Maria Ireland said...

Hello I just found your wonderful blog via plushpuppycat. The wedding dress she won is fantastic. Congratulations on your publication. I would love to be counted for the draw of this amazing dress. I put the link on my blog.
Hugs Maria

Minis-B-Happenin' said...

Beautiful work! I just found your blog through your April winner, Plushpussycat. I picture this dress at a grand Mardi Gras ball with a beautiful bedazzled mask. Please count me in and keep celebrating!

amamon said...

Quiero felicitarte por ese hermoso vestido. Y por toda tu obra que merece ser publicada. ¡¡¡Felicidades desde Canarias!!!!!

liliam said...

hola felicidades por estar en la revista me anoto para el sorteo me encantan tus vestidos sos increible te dejo mi correo es gracias

Anonymous said...

Soy Mercedes(sonrisas) Cuenta conmigo para tu fantastico sorteo.No tengo blog ,mi correo
Haber si tengo suerte y gracias por esta nueva oportunidad

Unknown said...

Enhorabuena Felma, haces un trabajo precioso, me encantaría tener algo tuyo, cuenta conmigo, lo anuncio en mi blog.

Eva - tatalamaru said...

Tus creaciones son fantásticas. Como no llegué a tiempo para apuntarme al otro sorteo, me apunto a este, el vestido es precioso. Te anuncio el sorteo en mi blog y aprovecho para felicitarte por la publicación.
Un beso

Mati said...

Me gustaría participar, y felicidades por tu publicación

patrisan said...

Ho scoperto per caso il tuo blog e mi sono subito iscritta.
Che lavori meravigliosi e l'abito del giveaway è fantastico!!
Mi piacerebbe tanto partecipare ed approfitto per farti sapere che anch'io ho un giveaway in questo vuoi partecipare vai al mio
Grazie e complimenti!

Mini Dork said...

My oh my! What a wonderfully delightful and inspirational blog! I found you through Jennifer's blog ( Your work is AMAZING!!! And I'm enjoying reading your older posts. Congratulations on the very much deserved publication in American Miniaturist. I look forward to following your blog. This green and yellow dress is just devine! I love the colors!!

Carolina said...

Me encantan tus trabajos,son maravillosos
Me anotas para tu sorteo?'
Muchas gracias, lo subo a mi blog
Un beso,

MelyGiunta said...

Ciao, sono una tua nuova follower, italiana, mi chiamo Mely, ho appena scoperto il tuo blog grazie all'annuncio di questo favoloso giveaway. Mi piacerebbe molto partecipare, le tue creazioni sono semplicemente meravigliose!
Un bacio e complimenti per il bellissimo blog,

P.S: Metto un link sul mio blog!!

MILI said...

Witaj, robisz piękne rzeczy. Te suknie są cudowne :). Podziwiam ludzi z takim talentem.Ja szyłam prawdziwe suknie ślubne, a Twoje są bajkowe. MILI- POLAND

Pozdrowienia z POLSKI :)

Sandra said...

Thank you for letting me know about this give-away too. Please include me in the draw, I'd be overwhelmed if I was fortunate enough to win either of the wonderful gowns. I'm so excited that your tutorial has been published! I have ordered a copy of the magazine - and your gorgeous dresses have inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and start to learn to make simple dresses for some of my dolls! I don't aspire to the levels of your wonderful creations, you have such a talent and your witness for the Lord is also an inspiration. God bless, Sandie (Snippets from my Studio)

Meapuntoatodo said...

Felicitaciones por la publicación del tutorial !!! Tu magnifico trabajo lo merece ! Muchisimas gracias por el Give-away es un vestido DIVINO ! Mariajo