To take a nature walk with my four year old grandson today was a blast and an eventful way to end our weekend together and my six weeks of training. Our walk took about two hours as we climbed hills and went down into valleys, but we feared no evil because Thou was with us. When we returned home and got out of the car, my grandson said, "Grandma, I feel soooo good!" My heart went thumpity thump with joy because that made me feel so great I took my 16 month old grandson for a long stroller ride. I also managed to make a magnificent Dollhouse Miniature dress. Please click on the link below the dress to view it eBay.com
Can't wait to see what week seven has in store. It is supposed to be very challenging; a five miler at a faster pace. I was actually dreading week seven, but during the nature walk and hearing the little happy voice demanding, "Come on Grandma!" I look forward to finishing. Thanks to my followers. Please let me hear from you readers, I need all the help I can get. Thanks a million for all the e-mails you've sent.
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