Monday, January 30, 2017

Turn To God And Be Strong! Really?

Hello my friends. I don't know what happened to the winner of the last dress. I was never contacted.  What shall I do?

I have been away from my blog having brain surgery to patch a hole on my creative side.  Oh Oh!  Everyone encourages me, "Turn to God and stay strong! Anyone know what that means? As I wait for my brain to heal I am stressed to have a lung biopsy to rule out cancer. I've been cancer free for 17 years. What is going on! Stay strong!

Now, the problems started after my husband passed away. Is he trying to get me to come where he is? We loved one another so much.  Sometimes I really want to go  to him, but I also want to see my grandsons grow up to be good citizens. First, my ear drum burst! Then a really bad car accident where another driver lost control of his car and blasted my car. Therapy TAKES forever.

  But, really? Sometimes I do question my efforts to be strong. Some days I feel like life is turning against me on this Celebration of Life Journey.

So, I am trying to be strong and continue on my Journey.  Saturday I went to the Southern California Tom Bishop Show!  Had a great time.  Miniatures are the very best hobby. There were so many gorgeous miniatures on display. I came home and made a dress. And I would like for you to compare my dress after surgery to the one above before surgery. I will post it soon.

Hope all of you are having a happy New Year!  May all your resolutions be filled.

 My health and death issues only mean that anything is possible  and hopefully my Journey will encourage other to be strong. Through all my pain and the everyday challenges of life I am still looking forward to what tomorrow has in store for me and for you.

Thanks for being my mini friends. Don't forget to tell me what to do with the last give away dress that wasn't claimed. Does anyone want the dress? Please leave a comment on this post and I will pull names again. I added a few things to the dress and it looks more beautiful than before.

Hugs to all of you! Stay strong! Make some minis!

Felma J


Drora's minimundo said...

Dear Felma,

Reading your post I realize what you have gone through and what a brave, kind and encouraging person you are. I am proud to consider myself your friend. It is wonderful to be a believer and trust in God. He knows what challenges face us.

About the beautiful dress, make another draw for it. It will enable new and more followers to take part in it.

Stay strong and keep on working on your exquisite gowns. Your creativity is inspiring. I look forward to see your new work.

Warm hugs,

Isabel Ruiz said...

Creo que hay que tener ánimo y ser fuerte. Las cosas no siempre son fáciles , pero hay que seguir adelante.
Tus vestidos siempre tan bonitos. Creo que la última ganadora lamentará no haberse dado cuenta de la suerte que tuvo.Si no se presenta puedes volver a sortearlo.

Marian said...

Espero que te recuperes de tus problemas de salud poco a poco.
No pierdas nunca la fe y el animo y para ello las miniaturas te ayudaran seguro. Tu familia te necesita y tienes que estar a su lado, esos nietos tienen que recibir mucho cariño de su abuela todavía.
¿un sorteo??
me apunto pues tus vestidos son maravillosos y seguro que ninguna enfermedad ha podido con tu creatividad e inspiración.
Un abrazo y aunque la vida es dura, más duro es para tus seres queridos perderte. Lucha y animo que queremos seguir viendo tus vestidos.

Contrastes-Rosa Mª said...

Felma siento mucho por todo lo que estás pasando pero a la vez veo la fuerza interior que transmites . Te mando toda mi admiración y comprendo el deseo de irte al no tener a tu marido ,pero ahí tienes a tus nietos que seguro estarán pendientes de ti.
Ánimo y espero tu pronta recuperación:-)

Maria Blanca "AyamontinoMaria" said...

Siento que últimamente todo se te haya complicado un poco, pero con lo valiente que eres, podrás superar todo, y veras crecer a tus nietos, y seguirás haciendo tus maravillosos vestidos, ya lo verás. El que no ha sido reclamado? Pues puedes volver a sortearlo. Ha pasado ya tiempo suficiente, y creo que es la mejor opción...Así alguien afortunado podrá disfrutarlo, ¿no te parece? Y sigue con las miniaturas, son una buena medicina...Un beso muy fuerte

Fabiola said...

You are a person with a great inner strength.
About this wonderful dress, make another draw for it and so you will do another person happy.
Take care and stay strong...with your new minis.

Brini said...

My first favorite quote of all times.

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think," said Christopher Robin to Pooh. and the second

"I am the greatest, I said it before I even knew I was." Muhhammad Ali

Fatima, you are a CHAMPION!

carmen said...

a veces la vida se complica pero creo que tienes la fuerza suficiente para superarlo todo, así lo creo y así lo espero, apuesto por ello y por que sigas transmitiendo esa fuerza a quienes te leemos; en cuanto al vestido, puedes volver a sortearlo o decidir tú misma qué hacer con él ...

My Journey To Celebrating Life said...

Comments like these are the best for encouragement and strength. Thank You!