Winter Fairy Tutorial
Items Needed:
one doll, 2 silk poinsettia flowers, scrap of red fabric, contrasting trim, glue wire, paint and a brush. 

Step 1
Start with a nice doll to be your fairy. I used a white doll, but you could use any flesh tone.
Step 2
Use a craft paint to add stripes to her legs like candy canes. You could use china paint if you have a kiln and your doll is porcelain. I also did her nails and darkened her lip color.
Step 3
About a 2x2.5 scrap of red, I have silk here, for the panties. You don't need to hem this, it wont show.
Step 4
Diaper fold at crotch and pull up to waist, this fold makes the hem on the sides without hemming.
Step 5
Glue top of front to the back, it can be a high waist as the top will cover.
Step 6
fold back sides and neatly glue to side overlapping at sides. Press down very flat. Let dry.
Step 7
About a 2x3.5 (more or less for your doll's bust) scrap of more fabric for the top and hem and press top and one side. You can use glue to hem.
Step 8
Place long side hem at the top of bust and bring to back, overlap and glue down hemmed side. Press in place and dry well.
Step 9
On sides under breast, make darts to get the top to have a nice fitted look. Hold in place with pins if you glue the dart and let dry well. Use a mini iron to press well if you have one.
Step 10
Doll now has a nice body suit look to her. Now select your flowers. I have two types for mine, a pointed edge petal for her skirt and serrated edged one for the wings.
Step 11
Remove petals from plastic parts.
Step 12
Glue longest ones to waist line first completing a circle around her. Slightly overlap each petal to help prevent spaces. Let dry well.
Step 13
Now glue a ring of shorter petals on top of the first overlapping any openings of the last petals. If you want a very fluffy dress, feel free to add even more petals or less for a slinky look.
Step 14
Using a small bit of trim, edge off waist line to give it a neat finished look. You can use up any great scrap fabric you have for this. The length will depend on your doll's waist line. At this time I added the doll's wig. I prefer to wig after doll is dressed so I don't have to watch or mess up hair. You can use any wig you want for this doll. I did a short white wig. She looks great in bright red curls too.
Step 15
Remove petals from plastic parts for wings.
Step 16
Select two matching petals in the size you like best, wings can be very small or very large depending on what you like.
Step 17
I used green wire, but any color will work. Bend into a V shape and bend each side of wire to curve just a bit as the petals tend to curve up on you. Using a fabric grab type glue, add glue to wire and press to petal with tip of wire ending at tip of petal. Let dry before you do the other side. Leave a space at the end about 1/4 inch long.
Step 18
Add a drop of glue to bend in wire, and slip it in the back of her dress.
Step 19
Push wings all the way in. Dress will hide the wires and keep them on well. Your fairy is now done. You can add any other embellishments you see fit! Trim off the wings, add more trim to the dress, glitter your petal skirt... it is endless to make this fairy uniquely your own and the doll you chose to start with will also add to your own look.
If your doll has boots or shoes, you may want
to paint them a holiday green!
Looks Great!
I don't know why some readers are not able to leave comments on my blog so I will have to post the comment myself and thanks to the reader who sent this beautiful e-mail:
Wow Felma you came back amazingly awesome! I like your marketing...Sandy is very talented and with the both of you together that's pretty cool! I'm wishing you many blessing in 2012...Welcome back my friend!!!
Another beautiful e-mail:
Love reading your blog. Keep it coming. You are truly an inspiration. Excited about life and full of love. Whatever you're taking, I want some. ; ) Your blog encourages me and helps me to re-focus my attention to what is important. You spoke to my spirit. I need to slow down and take some time to relax and enjoy all the beauty that God has put in my life. Then celebrate! Amen. I’m looking forward to your future tutorials on cooking, marriage, and sex. lol
Your 2 grandsons are sooooooo HANDSOME. You must be so proud.
So what are your plans for 2012? Are you doing any marathons this year?
Some of those dolls must have taken a decade to make the clothes for.
I write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
Que preciosa te ha quedado, gracias por todas esas explicaciones.
besitos ascension
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