Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week 33! Featuring Jean Day Was Too Great To Move On! New Miniatures!

Featuring Jean Day for almost five weeks was great because I received lots of e-mails thanking me for featuring her work including the AIM magazine.  Thank you Jean!

In the meantime I haven't climbed any mountains or walked tons of miles getting ready for a marathon.  Just doing my hour a day walking and riding my stationary bike between making dollhouse dresses, reading and having fun with my grandsons.  Also eating lots of great summer foods.  Will start sharing recipes with you that I've collected over the years.  I am also a creative cook.

These pictures are just a few of the miniature clothes I've been making that's given me joy over the last few weeks and I've also been reading lots of interesting books to increase my knowledge of making dollhouse period clothing.  Victorian doll clothes are in demand.  I'm learning how to make them. 

Life is interesting and there are lots of things to learn, lots of people to meet.  Books, books and more books to read.  WOW!

Thanks to all of you for your e-mails and following my blog.  Just knowing that you are somewhere in this universe encouraging me to do my best is fantastic!  Hugs to all of you.

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