Monday, January 31, 2011

Third Week In Training

Yolanda Holder, A Guinness World Record holder, please read her interesting blog at decided to put me on her Vision Board to coach because she is also a dear caring friend.  I knew her before she became a Walking Diva and joined the Marathon Maniacs club.  After she tied the World Record for 106 Marathons, she called me a few days later and said, "Now that I've reached my goal for for 2010, I really don't have any goals or challenges set for 2011 written on my Vision Board."  I said, "Oh, well you need to think of something, otherwise you are going to get bored.  Also, I really don't know why anyone would pay to walk a marathon.  Especially a half marathon." She was silent for a few seconds.  "What are you doing?" I asked.  "I'm writing your name at the top of the list on my Vision Board to coach you to walk your first-half marathon this year," she said.   My heart skipped a beat!  If you read Yolanda's blog by clicking on the link below you will get an idea of why my heart skipped a beat.  She went on to tell me her reason;  She knows some of the medical challenges I've faced and some of those challenges made it very difficult to motivate myself to exercise everyday.  Therefore, her goal is to coach me and other first-time marathoners (she loves first-timers) to walk a marathon in 2011.  I felt joy and fear. 

Joy:  My faith increased because I knew God was answering my prayer of, "Lord, please  help me.  At 61 years old and I need to get this poor body in condition to keep up with my grandsons and enjoy this life you extended for me.  Lord, please!"  Yolanda telephoned me before I could completely forget about the the dream of my mother calling out to me and my encounter with that mirror.  Also, I had forgotten how I called out to God.  My goodness!  When He answers prayers He answers in Grand Style.  WOW!  You know, just blogging about this experience is really motivating me, but I still need your encouragement!  I want Yolanda to reach her goal so that I can pay it forward.  I'll talk about fear next time.  My blogs may seem long at first because this whole experience with blogging is a love affair and I really hope it doesn't peter out!
I think these pictures are too cute to keep to myself. Grandsons at six months and three months respectively.

We walked  hard and fast this morning trying to get our time down and it is only the third week!  The marathon is in September.  We are close to 24 minute miles and will go for more on Thursday.  Our goal is 15 minute miles.  Up at 2 AM rubbing my body down with muscle relaxers.  Feeling great because when we started this journey three weeks ago my blood sugar reading levels were anywhere between 140 to 176.  This morning my reading level was 116!  And my blood pressure as greart!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

You are one amazing woman! I have said for a long time (nearly 23 years in fact - since my son was born) - be careful what you pray for, because God doesn't always answer in the way we expect vbg.
Hugs, Sandie