Thank you everyone for your motivational comments to help me finally get this lovely dress ready for our next GIVE AWAY!
If you left a comment on one of my last two posts you are already entered in the draw. If you didn't leave a comment you must leave a comment ON THIS POST ONLY by Tuesday, February 24, 2015 PST 3:00PM. You must also be a follower of my Blog. Simple!
Winner's comment will be pulled from lucky hat and announced the following week.
Please leave your inspirational comment for a chance to win this lovely lace dress. It is one of my best made especially for you from my Mark J Collection.
Hope that your New Year is moving forward on
a wonderful motivational journey. My Journey To Celebrating Life is getting off to a great start as I am walking the mountain trail again and thanking God for my life as I celebrate 15 years as a cancer survivor. Had lots of fun at the Tom Bishop Miniature Show 10 days ago and enjoyed time with my mini boys (grandsons) after the Show. I am grateful. No matter what your situation is, help is always a prayer away.