Friday, December 18, 2015

December 2015 Giveaway Instructions!

Thank you so much for the wonderful comments after learning that my wonderful husband died suddenly.  Your comments, prayers, cards, emails and phone calls were a Blessing.  Sorry I couldn't answer everyone personally.  
  My journey to Celebrating Life is a challenge, but I hope my sharing it with you make will make your journey easier. 

This lovely dress for December was a joy to make and I hope one of you will be happy to give it a new home.  I still use the magic hat technique.  For your name to be placed in the hat, all you need to do to enter for a chance to win is be a follower of my blog, leave a motivational/inspirational comment on this post only by the deadline on Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 3:00pm PST.  One of my grandsons will pull a name out of the lucky hat and the winner will be announced the following week.

Cheers to all of you!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Hugs and Love and Prayers
Felma & Grandsons

Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Wonderful Husband Left Me!

My husband was everything to me.  He treated me like a queen and he died in my arms.  He had a cardiac arrest.  I am really going to miss him.  I would not put a dress on eBay or give away one on my blog without his approval.  He was a wonderful person.

Thank you for comments because I know I will need a lot of prayers and hugs during my time of grief. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Something New Is Needed

Hello BLOG friends.  I haven't said hello since March. 
Shame on me!  HELLO TO EVERYONE!
 Lets try to keep our blogs current to encourage and motivate one another.  We need one another.
 I have been doing lots of things like climbing mountain trails, working on miniatures and trying my hand at making something mini that is not a dress. 
 My Give A Way dresses are quite boring now after all these years of giving them away so maybe it is time for a change. 
My life is not exciting enough to keep my mini friends interested in reading about my adventures so I thought I would just take some time and give blogging a break until I come up with something to give away other than dresses.
Hats, purses, shoes, corsets, furniture, flowers, books, food, boy clothes, girl clothes for example.  Anyone interested?
Walking several miles and riding my bike (stationary) has become another hobby instead of just a dreaded exercise to stay healthy.  Now I love it and indulge everyday.  Minis will always  be hobby #1 though.
  Around this time of year Arthur and all his cousins come to visit my bones to see which ones they want to hurt the most.  Then they have their fun.  I am under the weather until they decide to leave.  Any suggestions on how to keep them at bay?
Thanks and Hugs to all.  I really appreciate your comments.  Please keep looking for the next give away.  It just may be something you've always been looking for.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Annnouncing Winner February 2015!

The following is the winning comment pulled out of the lucky hat:

"Hi there!

Holding both sides of my head (kinda like the boy in Home Alone) I WANT THAT DRESS!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Reading your post about life is a breath of fresh air. More than you know :-)Thanks

Are you going to the Chicago show? I went last year. Maybe this year."

                 Winner!!!!!!  The Grandmommy 

 Thank you so much for this lovely comment.  Congratulations on your win.

All of your motivational comments are greatly appreciated.  They keep my blog active.  Please don't miss out for a chance to win the next give away coming soon.

Thanks to all of you for following and leaving comments.  I really wish every one could win.

Welcome to new follower:  Susanne

Until next time let us all try hard to keep the faith and live.   Just live!  Live!  Live!

Love and Hugs to all.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How To Enter The Draw To Win!

Thank you everyone for your motivational comments to help me finally get this lovely dress ready for our next GIVE AWAY! 

  If you left a comment on one of my last two posts you are already entered in the draw.  If you didn't leave a comment you must leave a comment ON THIS POST ONLY by Tuesday, February 24, 2015 PST 3:00PM. You must also be a follower of my Blog.  Simple!

Winner's comment will be pulled from lucky hat and announced the following week.

Please leave your inspirational comment for a chance to win this lovely lace dress.  It is one of my best made especially for you from my Mark J Collection.  

Hope that your New Year is moving forward on
 a  wonderful motivational journey.  My Journey To Celebrating Life is getting off to a great start as I am walking the mountain trail again and thanking God for my life as I celebrate 15 years as a cancer survivor.  Had lots of fun at the Tom Bishop Miniature Show 10 days ago and enjoyed time with my mini boys (grandsons) after the Show.  I am grateful.  No matter what your situation is, help is always a prayer away.

Give Away Ready For February 2015!

Hello!  It took me forever to load this picture for give away during February and it is a really beautiful dress.  Most of you know how to enter to win, but I will post details later to let everyone know.  Until next time.  Hugs to everyone.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Seeking Comments for Next Giveaway

Kitchen Not The Giveaway.
Still testing my ability to move around with new technology.  If you see this post please leave a comment to let me know.  As soon as I get 15 comments I will post the next giveaway and your comment will count towards the next giveaway.  Thanks. 

This cutie kitchen was taken from my Lundby house and I am testing it to see how it looks in my Emerson house.  It is the only picture I have available to use for this test. 

Thank you for following my Blog and for your comments. 


Monday, January 19, 2015

I just learned how to post pictures to my Blog!

That beautiful Christmas Give Away was shown for a long time. The winner, Mari, has claimed the dress and it is on the mail rail to Spain.  Thank you Mari for your comment and support. 

The next Give Away will be announced as soon as I learn how to find my way around the new stuff associated with my new electronic contraptions.  I pray that my computer never goes out again at year's end.

Thank you for following and thank you for your comments.  Blessings to all.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR! December Winner Announced!

Hello dear Blog friends.  I hope everyone had a great year and looking forward to this New Year.  The past year ended too quickly for me.  But, now it is time to start the Happy New Year with new projects.  The creativity will flow and we will all be amazed at what the new year has in store for all of us.  Looking forward to seeing your projects.

My computer died last week and I got a new one.  The bad part is that I cannot access my address book or pictures from the old computer yet.  I'm learning what to do in the meantime.  Please bear with me.

The winning comment:
tus nietos estan muy guapos y grandes ,hay que ver como crecen los niños me gustaria mucho participar en tu sorteo , lo anuncio en mi blog

Thanks to all of you for entering give away.  It is a beautiful silk dress.  The comments you left were very wonderful and positively inspiringA special welcome to all new followers.

Please check back soon for our January Give Away.  It may or may not be a dress.

If the above comment is yours, please contact me as soon as possible with Postal information. 
