Congratulations to our two winners!
It has been a struggle for me to go through the motions to collect pictures, grandson (Mark J) and all other things that happen when grief is present. I'm still making minis to help me through this time in my life and will continue my give a ways.
Friends, thank you so much for all of your encouraging comments. Printing them and reading them during my "low" days really helped a lot. Thank you to all new followers.
Do you know that grief can stop a peron in their tracks for a long time and sometimes forever? I almost forgot how to blog!
Trusting in God is a great source of help, but when your heart is bleeding don't be afraid to ask for more help because pain can be gruesome... Don't ever feel like you have to go through it alone, even if you have to call on me. I'm here for you.
Summer is passing quickly like never before. My inspirational grandson, Mark J got a passport and took off to Cabo San Lucas for vacation after summer school and didn't pull the winner's comments from the "lucky hat" until a fews days ago and afterwards he had to have a picture wearing the hat.
Winning comment #1 for dress on left side of photo from Isabel (morgana135):
Hola Felma, me siento muy triste al leer su post, siento mucho sus perdidas, seguro que su hermana estara leyendo la revista muy contenta y feliz... otras dos estrellas han subido al cielo! animos, me encantaria participar en su sorteo, lo pongo en mi blog, un beso muy fuerte.
Winning comment #2 for dress on right side of photo from Malu:
Oh, Felma te acompaño en tu dolor, por tu hermana. Me gustaria participar en tu sorteo, pongo tu enlace en mi blog.
Besos de las Malu´s.
My translator is not working at the moment, but if one of these comments belong to you, please contact me privately with mailing information.
Lots of Hugs to All!