So happy that I came out of the closet to Celebrate Living! This summer went really fast. Spent fun times with my grandsons. Of course, they are the smartest and cutest grand kids and they give the best hugs and kisses.
Bye Bye Summer! This lovely picture of my oldest grandson taken a few weeks ago at Knotts Berry Farm remind me of saying good-bye to my sweet romance with Summer. After my wild love affair with Spring, which is my favorite time of year, I thought I had had the highest level of fun until next year. But, this summer was one of the best! Now I'm looking forward to my long marriage with Autumn which started last Friday, to see how much fun it is going to be (usually my worst time of year). Maybe this Autumn will be as much fun as making a New Baby.

The joy of making dollhouse miniatures always feel like discovering a New Hobby each day! There are so many mini things to see and make. I think I have enough projects to last about three life times. Thanks to all of you for viewing my blog and cheering me on as I celebrate living. I need all the help I can get to continue to move forward out of the closet into the next chapter of my life. The month of October is only a few days away and since it is recognized as Breast Cancer month, I ask that all of you will take a few moments to think about survivors, early detection, mammogram, a cure and mostly about taking care yourself. Male or female, cancer is not gender friendly. Also, during the month of October, call, send a card or e-mail a survivor and let him/her know you care and please make a comment on my blog and let me know you care that I'm a cancer survivor.
Thank You Kindly.